What is SunnaSchool?

Hi, I'm Shannelle!

After both my parents had skin cancer I stopped going in the sun and tanning beds.

I was just like you, I was working several jobs until I found my passion, which was to give people glowing skin WITHOUT all the toxins. This was the beginning of the SunnaTan brand over a decade ago!

After creating an organic natural product line made for sensitive skin, SunnaTan took off and became a booming 7-figure business! Women were approaching me wanting a piece of the action, so I figured out how to DUPLICATE my business into a business that anyone could do, anywhere in the world! 

Brandi was one of my first students and she started her spray tan business in her basement. Four years later, she grew it to a three room beauty business with a team of 8 Airbrush Artists. Two years ago she sold her biz & became a full time partner with SunnaTan, and is our lead educator.

After 10 years in business, we've now certified THOUSANDS of artists across North America and we are the fastest growing Sunless Tanning training business in the world! We are so excited to bring this opportunity to you!"